By : Sally Valentine

April 27 2014

April 27, 2014 All of a Sudden

Have you noticed that all of a sudden everything in Rochester is green? It seems that we went from winter to spring overnight. Of course, nothing happens that suddenly. While we couldn’t even see over the piles of snow, the grass, the flowers, the trees have all been gaining strength and preparing for their annual rebirth.

So it is with the grandkids. Gary and I went away for a few weeks, and when we came home, Evan had gone from using two word phrases to talking in sentences, and Molly had gone from walking to running. Overnight – or so it seemed. In reality, Evan has been absorbing language ever since he was born. It was all of us speaking to him in sentences over 2 and 1/2 years that enabled him to “all of a sudden” string lots of words together and use them in the right place at the right time. The same for Molly. It was every movement she made with her legs from birth that strengthened those legs muscles to allow her first to walk and then to run.

I try to remember that when I get bored with the tedium of life, because I do believe that every seemingly insignificant thing that we do is building toward something. What are you building?

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