By : Sally Valentine

July 01 2014

July 1, 2014 Molly’s Purse

Molly’s at the age (almost 2) where she likes to take things in and out. She’ll put blocks one by one in a bucket and then one by one take them out. She also has a fascination with zippers, mostly the unzipping part. She can’t quite zip them up.

So I decided that she needs a purse, a purse with a zipper. I was going to look in my closet for an old purse of mine to give her, but before I could do that, I happened to be at Parkleigh when they were selling some of last year’s Vera’s for half price. HALF PRICE. How can you beat it?  It’s a little pink flowered one, just her size.

What does Molly carrying in her purse? Right now she has a rubber Daisy Duck, a little stuffed monkey, a pretend cell phone, and a book. Yes, she keeps taking them out and putting them back in.

Molly’s collection may seem random, but aren’t her things items that we all should travel with? A phone for emergencies, a monkey (or something) for comfort, a duck (or something) for whimsy, and a book. Of course, the book is my favorite. Who can go anywhere without a book?

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