By : Sally Valentine

March 05 2014

March 5, 2014 Spring

Spring arrived at my house last Sunday. No, I didn’t see a robin, or a crocus, or even a flock of geese heading north. But on a very cold day, when the world outside was nothing but stark empty expanses of white, Spring knocked on my door in the form of a 6 lb. 10 oz. baby girl. I got to hold her only an hour after delivery. Her hands and feet were wrinkly. Her hair was wet and matted. Her eyes would barely open for a few seconds and then close again. In other words, she was beautiful. Jane Violet is my third grandchild and my second granddaughter. Just as we rejoice each year with the return of Spring, so was Jane’s birth no less special than the ones that came before. That’s the nature of miracles. We can’t usually predict when they will arrive, but our lives are forever changed when they do. Goodbye, Winter. Welcome, Jane Violet.

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