38 years ago Gary and I took the biggest step of our lives. We were married on February 17, 1973 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Winton Rd. As weddings go, it was very modest, even by 1973 standards – only 30 people, homemade dress, dinner – no dancing. We don’t even have any professional photographs because the photographer’s film turned out to be bad. But while the wedding was very simple, the marriage has turned out to be very rich. There are few things in life more satisfying than a long marriage. It’s a gift you give yourselves and your children.
I can still remember the pastor telling us that we should expect times in our marriage when we would be closer together and times when we would feel farther apart, and that we would alternate back and forth between those two states. I thought he was crazy. Surely we would always be in love like we were on our wedding day. Now I realize how smart the man was.
Gary and I have been walking together ever since. Some days we’re walking very closely together and other days a little farther apart. Some days he’s walking ahead and I’m trying to catch up; some days the other way around. It doesn’t matter. We both agree that getting married was the best step either of us ever took.
Day 48: 12,592 Steps YTD: 426,026 Steps Goal: 451,000 Steps