Pedometers should come with a list of side effects, like medicine does. One side effect of wearing my pedometer is that I can’t stop counting steps. Maybe this particular side effect only manifests itself in former math teachers – I don’t know – but I’ve got it.
In case you’re interested here’s what I’ve paced out:
Bedroom to bathroom: 12 Steps, Kitchen sink to computer: 16 steps, Front closet to back door: 16 Steps, Computer to Powder Room: 7 Steps, Kitchen to Sewing Machine: 40 Steps, Kitchen to Basement Storage Closet: 40 Steps, Sink to Stove: 3 Steps, Stove to Fridge: 3 Steps, Fridge to Sink: 3 Steps, Door to Newspaper Box: 32 Steps, Door to Mailbox: 30 Steps, Car to Gym Door: 52 Steps.
You might have noticed that I have one of those perfectly triangular kitchen work areas. Too bad I hate to use it. You also may have noticed that I don’t need many steps to get anywhere in my house. This is a side effect of downsizing, which Gary and I did this past year. In our former house, I had to really want a snack in order to get up off the couch and walk ALL THE WAY out to the kitchen. Now I have to go outside the house to get all my steps in. On cold days like these, that’s not so inviting.
Side effects are everywhere. Watch out for them.
Day 41: 9,166 Steps YTD: 369,696 Steps Goal: 385,000 Steps