By : Sally Valentine

January 26 2011

Day 25

Have you ever been to Books, Etc. on Main St. (Rte. 31) in Macedon? It’s a great used book store run by John Cieslinski. My writing group meets there in John’s back room on Tuesday nights.

Step inside with me.

Outside the windchill is below zero, and my breath blows down Main St. before me, but in John’s back room, the coffee is almost ready and Marianne’s smile thaws the accumulated icicles.

Outside the world is black and white or white and black, but in John’s back room, a kaleidoscope of color twists open.

Outside the world is sterile, asleep for the winter, but in John’s back room creativity seeps from the chair cushions and oozes out from the pages of well-loved books.

Outside I feel like the lone survivor of the new ice age, but in John’s back room everyone’s name is Friend.

Outside my lips tremble when I try to read my poetry, but in John’s back room I have finally found my voice.

Day 25: 11,957 Steps   YTD:  216,227 Steps   Goal: 231,000 Steps

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