By : Sally Valentine

April 17 2011

Day 106

Another day of failing to meet my stepping goal, but the wedding festivities carried on to a bridal shower for Lynn at the Rabbit Room in the Lower Mill in Honeoye Falls. I’ve written about the Rabbit Room before, and it did not disappoint us today. Although the weather outside was miserable, the gathering was […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 17 2011

Day 105

Didn’t get all my steps in, but had lots of fun. I went to the New York Wine & Culinary Center in Canandaigua for my niece Lynn’s bachelorette party. The guests split into groups and cooked up a gourmet meal while sipping on some great Finger Lakes wine. I helped make the apple/cherry cobbler dessert. Speaking […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 15 2011

Day 104

Good news, Bad news The bad news is that for the second day in a row I didn’t even come close to 11,000 steps. The good news is that my year-to-date total reached the 1,000,000 mark, and I reached it 2 days ahead of schedule. I think I’ll just celebrate this good news and forget […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 14 2011

Day 103

Cold Rainy Day + 4 Meetings/Appointments = Fewest Steps of the Year Day 103: 5,092 Steps    YTD: 995,979 Steps   Goal: 968,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

April 12 2011

Day 102

New Shoes! Don’t you just love new shoes? Too bad I have to put them on the same old feet. Yesterday I took a long walk in my own neighborhood for the first time since I can’t remember when – probably October. One of the things I like about walking here is that it’s uphill […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 11 2011

Day 101

The past two days of warm weather have really made the daffodils pop open. Here’s my tribute to the daffodil. Remember, it’s national poetry month. A Glimpse of Spring Sleet and Snow, you’ll have to go. Don’t tell me your tale of woe. Shovel, make way for the hoe. I saw a daffodil today. Hat […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 10 2011

Day 100

Today’s Gospel lesson was about Jesus calling Lazarus to step out of the tomb, an act which sealed Jesus’ fate with the Jewish leaders and foreshadowed His own death and resurrection. Pastor Klafehn had the children act out this lesson with the “toilet paper Lazarus” pictured below. In the adult sermon, Pastor reminded us that Jesus […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 10 2011

Day 99

I was sooooo tempted to cheat when posting yesterday’s steps. I was sooooo close to 11,000 but didn’t quite make it. You would have thought that I would just walk around the living room a few times to get the last 268 steps in, but at 11:30 pm that was just 267 steps too many. […]

By : Sally Valentine

April 09 2011

Day 98

Call me crazy, but today I took the snow brush out of my car. Day 98: 10,732 Steps   YTD: 955,011 Steps  Goal: 924,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

April 08 2011

Day 97 South Wedge

I spent some time with my cousin, Carol, today stepping around the South Wedge. The sun was out, and it was a perfect day for wandering. The South Wedge is full of many small businesses. These are some of the places we stopped. Mise en Place, on the corner of South Ave. and Gregory St., […]