By : Sally Valentine

June 07 2011

Day 156

Have you noticed that snails seem to be taking over the world? They seem to be everywhere this year. These two live on my front step. I don’t want to kill them, but I don’t want them around either. I’m not sure if this is a deliberate takeover plan or snails are just very prolific […]

By : Sally Valentine

June 05 2011

Day 155

I spent the last 3 days at the LEAH (Loving Education at Home) convention at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. I sold a good amount of books and spoke with a lot of interesting people from all over New York state. There were a number of vendors there which were family businesses, and the kids […]

By : Sally Valentine

June 04 2011

Day 154

Day 154: 7007 Steps   YTD: 1,393,019 Steps  Goal: 1,452,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

June 04 2011

Day 153

Day 153: 11,002 Steps YTD: 1,386,012 Steps Goal: 1,441,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

June 04 2011

Day 152

Day 152: 11,006 Steps  YTD: 1,375,010 Steps  Goal: 1,1430,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

June 04 2011

Day 151

Day 151: 11,004 Steps   YTD: 1,364,004 Steps Goal: 1,419,000 Steps Another failing report card. I met my goal of 11,000 steps only 15 out of 26 possible days in May. That’s 58%. Not much better than April. But as in April, it was PARTLY the weather. It just rained way too much. Of course, it was […]

By : Sally Valentine

May 31 2011

Day 150 Memorial Day

There were so many people out on the canal path this morning – walkers and bikers. As a walker, I’m not fond of the bikers. Sometimes you can hear them coming and sometimes they announce their presence, but sometimes they take you by surprise. I was with my daughter, Kristen, and we like to walk side […]

By : Sally Valentine

May 31 2011

Day 149

Today I got my stepping in while walking my grandog. Isn’t he the most precious thing you’ve ever seen? Oliver is a Yorkie who weighs about 6 1/2 lbs. His leash is almost as big as he is. The problem is that Ollie thinks he’s a 150 lb German Shepherd and has no fear of […]

By : Sally Valentine

May 30 2011

Day 148

A day of frustration. I knew I should have taken a walk as soon as I got up, but I didn’t, thinking I would do it later. Of course, later I was busy doing other things, cleaning the bathrooms, mopping, weeding – all things that are exercise, but not steps. Day 148: 5757 Steps   YTD: […]

By : Sally Valentine

May 28 2011

Day 147

Sometimes it’s not easy to be a blogger. I was getting some steps in today by vacuuming my swimming pool. If you own an inground pool, you know that the water is not always crystal clear when you open it in the spring. This year, we’ve had an abundance of frogs, and when I uncovered the […]