By : Sally Valentine

July 16 2011

Day 197 Mt. Hope Cemetery

Rochester’s Mt. Hope Cemetery, dating back to 1838, is the oldest municipal Victorian cemetery in the country. Today I took a walking tour of part of the cemetery. With 370,000 graves and almost 200 acres, it’s impossible to cover the whole cemetery in one day. And walking in Mt. Hope can be a challenge. There […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 16 2011

Day 196

I love watching the wheat grow as I drive around Wayne County. Okay, I know you’re thinking b-o-o-o-ring, but it’s a whole lot more interesting than watching the grass grow. Almost all of the wheat grown in the USA is planted in the fall. This winter wheat sprouts before the ground freezes and then lies […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 14 2011

Day 195 Locust Hill

Today I did some hobnobbing with the Rochester elite. I had lunch at Locust Hill Country Club. It was a meeting of Women in Insurance and Financial Services which my daughter, Robyn, helped organize. I tagged along. I’d never been to Locust Hill, but I was impressed. This is a picture of the first tee. […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 13 2011

Day 194

I’m thinking of matters of life and death today. We’re celebrating Kristen’s birthday, but we also have to go to a funeral. That just doesn’t seem right. I guess we like to compartmentalize our lives. How often have we said we’re having a good day or a bad day, but life is messier than that. […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 13 2011

Day 193

The daylillies are blooming now, right on schedule. I always associate them with my daughter Kristen’s birthday, which is tomorrow. If you like truth in advertising, then you have to love daylillies because, as their name implies, each flower lasts only one day. Because they have more than one flower on each stem and many stems […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 13 2011

Day 192

Same church, different pew. Same walk, different view. Today’s animal count: 1 dead mouse 1 very much alive little groundhog 1 very scary orange feral cat What did you see today? Day 192: 11,574 Steps  YTD: 1,732,241 Steps Goal: 1,804,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

July 11 2011

Day 191 Castaways

We celebrated daughter Kristen’s birthday at Castaways on the lake. It’s a casual place, right on the lake on the Webster side of the outlet. It’s a wonderful place to watch the sun set on a warm summer evening. They even had entertainment, a singer, guitarist playing soft rock music. I’d recommend him, the chicken […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 09 2011

Day 190 Corn Hill Festival

From May through September, Rochester is Festival City. Today I did lots and lots of stepping at the Corn Hill Festival, which is the best of the best. While the Lilac Festival can be cold and rainy, the Corn Hill Festival is always hot. The 2 best things you can bring (besides your wallet) are […]

By : Sally Valentine

July 09 2011

Day 189

Day 189: 11,963 Steps YTD: 1,705,364 Steps Goal: 1,782,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

July 08 2011

Day 188

Taking a long walk is like writing a novel. I’m certainly not the first person to make that analogy, but I was thinking of it today while I was out walking. The best part of a walk for me is when I’m at the end and can see my house or whatever my starting point was. […]