By : Sally Valentine
September 03 2011
Day 245
I have a new addiction. Last summer it was McDonald’s caramel frappes. This year it’s Wegmans’ soft pretzels. Have you tried one yet? They’re giving samples this week. Of course, in the stores they dip them in a delicious soft cheese, as if they weren’t good enough on their own. The pretzels come in four flavors: […]
By : Sally Valentine
September 02 2011
Day 244 Sea Breeze
When did the swans start making their home in Irondequoit Bay? I was in Sea Breeze today enjoying a cheeseburger at Don’s Original. I don’t know about you, but when September 1 hits, I start going over my mental list of things that I like to do before summer’s over. When I realized that I […]
By : Sally Valentine
September 01 2011
Day 243
I can’t explain it, but some days I have limitless energy, and other days I can hardly get out of my own way. Today was an energized day, and I zipped around my neighborhood walking path in no time at all. In fact, I’ve done great these last 10 days of August – maybe it […]
By : Sally Valentine
August 31 2011
Day 242 Mt. Hope Cemetery
Any step in a cemetery is a step into the past. I went to Mt. Hope today to finish up some family history that I’ve been working on this summer about my mother’s twin half-sisters who died in a fire at the Rochester Orphan Asylum in 1901. Mt. Hope is actually a metaphor for life, […]
By : Sally Valentine
August 30 2011
Day 241
My rose bushes have not gotten the message that the calendar is about to turn another page on Thursday. They think it’s still June, being full of blossoms and also buds. I love it, and I’m taking it as a sign that maybe I can still blossom in the late summer (ok, autumn) of my […]
By : Sally Valentine
August 29 2011
Day 240
A day of reflection. Outside we’re experiencing some clouds and wind from the fringes of Hurricane Irene. While I’m praying for the people who suffered the brunt of the storm, I’m also thinking about the winds of change that are blowing in my life. My baby is going to have a baby. At church, Pastor […]
By : Sally Valentine
August 29 2011
Day 239
I have a new job title – Grandmother. While I don’t officially start this job until October, I’m already preparing for this new stage of my life. The way I understand it, my job description is simply to spoil Baby Germick in any way possible. Auntie Robyn and I got a head start on that […]
By : Sally Valentine
August 27 2011
By : Sally Valentine
August 26 2011
Day 237
If you want to attract hummingbirds to your yard, plant a Rose of Sharon bush. I have a hummingbird feeder, and I intended to hang it outside this summer, but I never got around to it. Every day now I have a hummingbird coming to stick its nose into these one of these flowers. I’m told […]