By : Sally Valentine

February 16 2012

February 16, 2012 George Eastman House

If you’re looking for an antidote to the gray Rochester skies, you can take a step into spring this week at George Eastman House. The museum is having it’s annual Dutch Connection display of spring bulbs, and the effect is intoxicating, a riot of colors and perfumes. The bulbs are mostly in the Conservatory – right […]

By : Sally Valentine

February 14 2012

February 12, 2012 Evan’s Baptism

“Evan, child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” Those words have been going around in my mind all day. I remember back to the days when parents wouldn’t take their new babies out until they had been baptized, and, in fact, a baby’s first outing […]

By : Sally Valentine

February 03 2012

February 3, 2012 Shrek

If you have the opportunity, go see Shrek at the Auditorium Theatre. This is my idea of what a Broadway show should be. Lots of singing and dancing, colorful costumes, beautiful sets, a message told with humor. All of the characters were memorable, but Merritt David Janes, who played short Lord Farquaad, did an outstanding […]

By : Sally Valentine

February 02 2012

February 2, 2012 Grandpa

Yesterday we celebrated Grandpa’s 100th birthday. It was 100 years ago that Norman Steinmiller was born in Rochester, the youngest child and only son of Clara and August Steinmiller. Now, Grandpa died at the age of 93 so we started our birthday celebration at White Haven Cemetery. Luckily there was no snow – White Haven […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 31 2012

January 31, 2012 Detroit Institute of Arts

While in Detroit, I stepped into Rembrandt’s Face of Jesus exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts. It’s fun to go to this museum even if there’s no special exhibit because the main hall is covered in a huge 27 panel fresco by Diego Rivera. The fresco, painted in the 1930’s, honors Detroit’s manufacturing culture and its […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 30 2012

January 30, 2012 Detroit

I spent some time last week visiting my brother and sister-in-law in Michigan. Because Detroit has basically the same weather that we have – dark, dreary and damp – I did some stepping in the Michigan malls. Now, all malls are basically the same, and you have to look hard for some differences, but these places reminded me […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 21 2012

January 21, 2012

Took a drive along Lake Rd. out to Pultneyville today. It’s one of my favorite drives, even in winter. The occasion was a writer’s seminar in an upper room at a new place called the Pultneyville Deli Company. The Deli was built on the spot of an older deli that was torn down right […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 19 2012

January 18, 2012

I spent a few hours today volunteering at a nursery program, and I had a chance to marvel at how most preschoolers throw themselves wholeheartedly into whatever they are doing, especially in the gym. When they get on the tricycles, they pump those pedals for all they’re worth, when chasing balls they dive on the […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 16 2012

January 16, 2012

Babies take up an awful lot of space for creatures that are so small. Take a look at what used to be my office. Books are being replaced by baby paraphenalia. And the other end of the room has the crate for my granddog. The only advantage to this is that I can work while baby or dog […]

By : Sally Valentine

January 10 2012

January 9, 2012

Today was the first official day of baby-sitting for Gary and me. I was very quickly reminded of the fact that a baby’s life basically revolves around sleeping, eating, and pooping. (Maybe that’s true for the rest of us too.) Don’t let that smile fool you. Evan came today with a warning: he hadn’t pooped […]