By : Sally Valentine
May 19 2011
Day 138
My daughter and son-in-law took a big step today, moving into a new house. I helped by first cleaning the kitchen cabinets and then unloading the boxes of kitchen stuff. I was doing so much bending that my pedometer kept falling off. After about the fourth time, Kristen said, “Why don’t you just take that […]
By : Sally Valentine
May 19 2011
Day 137
Can you believe it? These pictures are of the same birds, same nest, just one week apart. Their speckled chests and lighter orange feathers are the only things that tell you these are babies. By midmorning there was only this one left in the nest. He seemed alert enough, but wasn’t flying. I kept telling […]
By : Sally Valentine
May 17 2011
Day 136
Yes, some of my lawn is actually 1 foot tall. But the good news is that I can actually see my lawn – it’s not under water. Not a good day for stepping. Day 136: 8,661 Steps YTD: 1,244,077 Steps Goal: 1,276,000 Steps
By : Sally Valentine
May 15 2011
By : Sally Valentine
May 15 2011
Day 134 Red Cross Bloodmobile
Have you ever donated blood? Today I stepped up into the bloodmobile to give blood for the very first time. BLC was having a Health Fair, and the bloodmobile was parked in the church parking lot. The location couldn’t have been more convenient. Giving blood is more complicated than I realized. First of all you have to […]
By : Sally Valentine
May 15 2011
Day 133
Something you don’t see when you’re walking in the city. I think I upset him. Day 133: 11,004 Steps YTD: 1,229,680 Steps Goal: 1,254,000 Steps
By : Sally Valentine
May 12 2011
Day 132
Today I took a sidestep and went to one of my favorite places in Rochester, Donuts Delite on Empire Blvd. and Culver Rd. in Irondequoit. It’s my favorite for a couple of reasons. 1. It has the best donuts in Rochester and quite possibly in the whole world. (Sorry, Krispy Kreme.) When I need a […]
By : Sally Valentine
May 12 2011
Day 131
I took a step inside nature today. This tree was hanging over the sidewalk, so when I walked by, I almost became engulfed. It smelled so sweet and looked so pretty that I lingered there awhile and took this picture. Then, when I came home, I found out that the robin’s nest I had been watching under our deck […]
By : Sally Valentine
May 11 2011
Day 130
A day of frustration. I spent a couple of hours cutting out material – lots of time on my feet, but not very many steps. Then I was about to go out for a walk this afternoon when we had a swimming pool emergency – a line came lose and the pump had to be […]