By : Sally Valentine

August 19 2011

Day 230 Canal Lock 32

A funeral took me out to Pittsford today. My friend and colleague, Kathy Swingle, died way too young. Kathy had more than her share of suffering, combating heart disease, cancer and finally dementia. Her death was not totally unexpected, but heartbreaking nonetheless. Kathy was a good teacher, a loving wife and mother, and a worthy opponent when […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 19 2011

Day 229

Today the town was giving the trees along the road in front of the school their back to school haircuts. They only took off the branches hanging over the sidewalk so they look like a little funny. Picture yourself with only one side of your head shaved. I guess it if it keeps the kids […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 19 2011

Day 228 U of R

I had no trouble getting my steps in today. I went to the U of R library to do some family history research, and like most college campuses, the parking area is nowhere near the buildings. I think this was only the second time in my life I’d actually been on the U of R […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 18 2011

Day 227

I’m writing this on Thursday because Saturday’s storm knocked out our internet service and set me behind. We also lost a telephone and answering machine, a couple of light bulbs and a small ornamental tree. I try not to panic when the internet goes out, and I think I handle it better than my husband […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 18 2011

Day 226

This is the mini prayer quilt that our church made to send to our member in Afghanistan. The strips on the outside are messages of encouragement from church and community members that we gathered at the Webster Village Days yesterday. We’ll have the quilt blessed and then send it on to Joe and the 79 others […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 18 2011

Day 225 Webster Village Days

The Webster Village Days is one of the smaller festivals around Rochester. I was there selling my books, and my church had a booth to gather support for our men and women in the military services. I sold a few books, but even better was talking to some people who had already read my books […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 15 2011

Day 224

This is what caught my eye when I was getting some steps in at Wegmans today. It’s probably been in the meat counter for awhile, but I hadn’t noticed it before. I wasn’t even tempted to buy any. For one thing, the cost was $7.99 a pound – over twice the cost of ground beef. […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 15 2011

Day 223

I hit the 2 million mark today. Steps, that is, not dollars, but wouldn’t it be nice to trade in those steps for cash? Come to think of it, people do just that when they raise money for charity with a 5k or 10k or a marathon. My friend, Casey, is walking in a race […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 15 2011

Day 222 Hedges

I spent part of day 222 with the #22 School teachers. How’s that for karma? We met for lunch at Hedges on Lake Rd. and Rte. 250 in Webster. Today wasn’t exactly a perfect day for visiting a lakefront restaurant, but we were able to enjoy the view for a while before the whitecaps came […]

By : Sally Valentine

August 10 2011

Day 221

One of the things on my summer to-do list every day is checking the skimmer basket on the swimming pool. In June it’s always full of cotton, in July it’s Japanese beetles, and anytime it rains, it’s full of frogs. Sometimes when I lift the cover off a frog will jump out at me. Although […]