By : Sally Valentine

October 18 2011

Day 289 Eat Dessert First

The theme of our stewardship drive this year at church was Eat Dessert First, the idea being to enjoy God’s goodness, presence,  guidance, and comfort first and THEN tending to the practical side of life. We should give out of gratitude to God. Today we handed in our pledge cards and celebrated with a Brownie Baking […]

By : Sally Valentine

October 15 2011

Day 288 Fayetteville Library

Today I went to Boot Camp – Picture Book Boot Camp that is. Lisa Wheeler gave an inspiring workshop on how to write a great picture book. We spent time revising our work right there on the spot. Less is more as words go in a picture book, and I sat there slashing away like […]

By : Sally Valentine

October 14 2011

Day 287

Today was a perfect day for a walk UNTIL it started to pour.        Don’t you just hate wet glasses? Day 287: 12,795 Steps YTD: 2,629,372 Steps Goal: 2,706,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

October 14 2011

Day 286

Day 286: 11,025 Steps YTD: 2,616,577 Steps Goal: 2,695,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

October 13 2011

Day 285

Today it was books, books, books, morning, noon and night. I had to really struggle to get my steps in. MORNING: Started the day with a Bible study at Browncroft Community Church. This is an international nondenominational Bible study that just focuses on the Word. You are not allowed to talk about your own church […]

By : Sally Valentine

October 13 2011

Day 284

So we’ve had 5 days in a row of top-down weather, the leaves are brilliant, and the Bills are 3-1. Can the Rapture be far behind? Day 284: 12,195 Steps YTD: 2,594,551 Steps Goal: 2,673,000 Steps YTD: Goal: 2,673,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

October 11 2011

Day 283

Day 283: 8,352 Steps YTD: 2,582,356 Steps Goal: 2,662,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

October 11 2011

Day 282 Genesee Country Village Museum

Living on a pioneer farm was not easy. My friend’s family spent the whole weekend at the Pioneer Farm at Genesee Country Village actually living, dressing, eating, and working like the pioneers did. They had to even make their own beds from ticking and straw. They had to tend to all the animals including this pig. […]

By : Sally Valentine

October 08 2011

Day 281

Pumpkin shortage? I don’t think so. Day 281: 11,072 Steps YTD: 2,574,004 Steps Goal: 2,651,000 Steps

By : Sally Valentine

October 08 2011

Day 280

Day 280: 11,252 Steps YTD: 2,562,932 Steps Goal: 2,640,000 Steps Walking on Leeward Trail in Gananda. The good:                                   The bad and the ugly: