By : Sally Valentine

July 09 2011

Day 190 Corn Hill Festival

From May through September, Rochester is Festival City. Today I did lots and lots of stepping at the Corn Hill Festival, which is the best of the best.

While the Lilac Festival can be cold and rainy, the Corn Hill Festival is always hot. The 2 best things you can bring (besides your wallet) are sunscreen and water.

This is a juried festival so you can find some unique art. One of my favorites this year was this artist who made clocks out of old camera parts.

This year the festival also featured a whole section for emerging artists. My favorite in this section was Benjamin Gerstner who created marvelous art out of junk. Check out the change purses made out of juice containers and the wallets made out of Starbucks coffee wrappers. There was also a dress constructed from pop tops. 

Hurd Orcards was there selling flowers, fruit and jam out of their truck, and I appreciated this artist who provided a seat for weary husbands. But, being a woman, I toughed it out, and came home with four Christmas presents and a couple of thing for myself.

We did take a lunch break, of course. A body needs fuel for all that walking. The food court has the usual festival food, but we like to eat at the End Time Deliverance Church. They have a great chicken barbeque, a shady place to sit and eat, and lots of friendly people serving. We topped that off with an Abbott’s custard. A great day to be out and about in Rochester. 

Day 190: 15,303 Steps YTD: 1,720,667 Steps Goal: 1,793,000 Steps

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