By : Sally Valentine

June 15 2011

Day 165

Whenever I’m heading to Greece (NY) or others parts West, I always take Lakeshore Blvd. It might not be the fastest way, but it’s definitely the most scenic. Even in the winter, when the lake’s partly frozen and the waves are fierce, just looking at the water makes me feel better. I don’t know why.

Today I got an extra treat. As I was driving by Durand Eastman Park, a doe and her fawn stepped out into the road. I was far enough back that I wasn’t in danger of hitting them, and I was able to slow down and let them pass. They weren’t in a hurry – honestly, the fawn looked newborn – it’s legs were very shaky – so I had time to just look and enjoy. Of course, I didn’t get a picture. I haven’t really mastered talking on my cell phone and driving so I don’t even think about taking pictures and driving. But sometimes it’s better to just enjoy a fleeting moment of beauty and hold the memory inside.

Wishing you glimpses of beauty today…

Day 165: 11,032 Steps  YTD: 1,480,511 Steps  Goal: 1,551,000 Steps

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