By : Sally Valentine

May 31 2011

Day 150 Memorial Day

There were so many people out on the canal path this morning – walkers and bikers. As a walker, I’m not fond of the bikers. Sometimes you can hear them coming and sometimes they announce their presence, but sometimes they take you by surprise. I was with my daughter, Kristen, and we like to walk side by side and talk – not single file. But I couldn’t blame anyone for being outside today. After this terribly cold, rainy spring, Rochester is ready to party. On the canal itself there were kayakers and this beautiful dog who was having a ball fetching her bone. We watched for awhile and then moved on.

We began and ended at Perinton Park where there is this reminder of what the day is all about. Take a moment and remember. 

Day 150: 11,182 Steps   YTD: 1,353,000 Steps  Goal: 1,408,000 Steps

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