By : Sally Valentine

April 29 2011

Day 118

More than once this month, I was ready to give up this stepping venture for good. I came home from Florida all psyched to walk outside, and April has been so cold and rainy and windy that I haven’t wanted to go outside at all. Then I found out that my pedometer wasn’t working right and was not recording all my steps. @#$%><>?!# For a while it was recording just enough to make me think that it was working, but then one morning I just knew I had taken more steps than was on the meter. I reset it when I got on the treadmill, and when I got off it registered 00000. Needless to say, I got a new pedometer. But on at least some of those days that I thought I had done so poorly, I probably had actually met my goal. I’m not changing my numbers. As my Grandma used to say, “What’s done, is done,” or as everybody says now, “It is what it is.” All I know is that I’m ready for May. How about you?

Day 118: 6,856 Steps   YTD: 1,112,880 Steps   Goal: 1,111,000 Steps

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