By : Sally Valentine

April 01 2011

Day 90

I did it! I met my goal of 11,000 steps every day in March. That gives me 100 %, an A by any measure. I’m only feeling a little bit guilty because it was sort of an easy A, walking here in Florida,  like getting an A in Game Playing 101. The real challenge will be to see if I can do it when I’m home and back to my regular Rochester routine. (How’s that for alliteration?)

It’s also day 90, and that means that I’m exactly 1/4 of the way through the year. Both good news and bad news. I’ve accomplished 1/4 of my goal, but the days go by way too fast at my age.

Day 90: 11,037 Steps     YTD: 876,381 Steps    Goal: 847,000 Steps

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