By : Sally Valentine

March 24 2011

Day 82

Back in Cocoa Beach. Did you know that Cocoa Beach is the east coast surfing mecca? Most of the surfing action takes place around the Cocoa Beach pier, where surfing classes are held every day. At Easter time every year, they hold a surfing competition.

Personally, I gave up surfing at the same time I gave up skydiving, which is to say, before I even started. Let’s just say that I’m not athletically gifted. I think my cousins are still suffering post-traumatic stress from trying to teach me how to water-ski when I was a teenager. That’s why I’m into walking – something that takes no talent. So I just admire the surfers while I’m strolling on down the beach.

Day 82: 14,912 Steps      YTD: 784,130 Steps      Goal: 770,000 Steps

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