By : Sally Valentine

March 14 2012

March 13, 2012 Seagulls

It seems like in Rochester we have only one kind of seagull – white. Here in Florida, seagulls come in various combinations of white, gray, black and brown. Some quick internet research told me that there are 30 species of seagulls under the Laridae genus of birds, Laridae coming from the Greek for “ravenous seabird.” There’re found on all continents, including the fringes of Antarctica.

I’m kind of partial to this little guy with the black head and tail that I saw on the beach today. At least I think it’s a guy. I can’t tell the difference between seaguys and seagals. Can you?

I’ve been wary of seagulls since 1990 when a seagull pooped on my head at Seabreeze.
My advice to you:
Look at seagulls when they’re on the ground. DON’T LOOK UP!

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