By : Sally Valentine

January 10 2012

January 9, 2012

Today was the first official day of baby-sitting for Gary and me. I was very quickly reminded of the fact that a baby’s life basically revolves around sleeping, eating, and pooping. (Maybe that’s true for the rest of us too.)

Don’t let that smile fool you. Evan came today with a warning: he hadn’t pooped all day Sunday so be ready for an explosion. Now 6 months ago, before I had committed to baby-sitting on Mondays, I had made a dental appointment for today at 10:30. Gary was praying that the explosion would not hit while I was gone, so I started praying that it would.

Well, Gary’s line to God must be more direct than mine. Evan slept the whole time I was gone and still had a clean diaper when I got home. All day long we waited for disaster, but Evan ate, slept, and cooed. In short, he was the dream baby.

I was expecting mom and dad about 5:30, but at 5:15 just as I was thinking we were home free, Evan let loose. The rancid smell permeated the house. Evan had filled not only his diaper, but also all his clothes including his socks. So ended day one with our little stinker.

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