By : Sally Valentine

December 06 2011

Day 339

Back to the gym today. Although I’ve been walking every day, I quit going to the gym to use the weight machines during the month of August. I intended to lay off for just one month. Well, August somehow got to be September, and September just disappeared into October, and then Grandbaby was born in November. I could easily have pushed going back until January, but I decided  that I need to get a routine in place for when I stop counting steps in 2012.

Every muscle and joint seemed to hurt when I woke up this morning. I’m not sure if it was the weather or the anticipation of going to the gym. Thanks to a couple of ibuprofen and a lot of determination, I survived the workout. Hope it gets easier tomorrow.

Day 339: 11,046 Steps YTD: 3,177,733 Steps Goal: 3,190,000 Steps

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