By : Sally Valentine

July 24 2011

Day 205 Sweet Corn

We had our first sweet corn of the season today, and it was good. About the middle of July, Gary and I start looking for the Wilberts to put out their roadside stands. For our money, they have the best sweet corn around. We wouldn’t even consider buying corn at the grocery store, although we know they also buy from local farms. There’s just something about putting your money in the box and picking out your just picked ears.  These first ears seemed a little bit smaller than usual, but I’m happy to report that they were nice and full and very sweet. Gary and I will probably eat corn about 3 times a week from now until just after Labor Day. Then we won’t have it again until next summer, even though you  can buy anything at any time at Wegmans nowdays.

Like I said, we only buy sweet corn from the Wilbert’s roadside stands.

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