I have a new pet peeve. I hate it that every magazine that I subscribe to comes in the mail wrapped in cellophane. I hate having to rip that wrapper off (they’re made like steel) while trying not to drop all the inserts that are enclosed. Which brings me to the second part of the peeve, and that is that one of those inserts is always a request to renew my subscription even though I have as much as two years to go on it. I don’t even look at them anymore. They go directly into the recycle bin.
You may be thinking, why does she still subscribe to those magazines. The answer is that as far as I’m concerned, a magazine subscription is still one of the best deals around. The cost has definitely not kept up with inflation. I can read a year’s worth of magazines for less than the cost of a book and maybe even less than the cost of an e-book. Forget about buying it on the newsstand.
So I’ll just keep on subscribing and complaining. Isn’t that what we all like to do anyway?