This is a picture of my most treasured garden flowers. No, they’re not the prettiest flower in my garden, although usually there are more blossoms than this. But they’re definitely the most treasured, because they came from my mother’s yard. And they didn’t come directly from my mother’s yard; they came to my garden by way of my first house in Webster and my second house in Walworth. In other words, they’ve been traveling with me for quite a while.
Notice that I didn’t say they came from my mother’s garden. That’s because my mother didn’t garden. These flowers just seemed to come up. I don’t even know what they’re called. My mother called them wild geraniums, but my mother’s names for things was as loose as her gardening. The best thing about these flowers is that they are indestructible, which probably makes them weeds. I remember one year when Mom had the driveway paved, and I thought they were gone for good. The contractor had paved right over the top of them. But they were back the next year as saucy as ever.
Now I’ve divided the flowers and passed them on to my daughters for their gardens. They don’t mean as much to them as they do to me, but that’s OK. I’m just happy that they have them.
We all find our own things to treasure. What’s your?