I think we all get annoyed by the number of signs littering our landscape. Signs seems to be a necessary evil in today’s society, and sometimes they are actually helpful when we’re trying to find a location. The problem is that many signs outlive their usefulness. People seem to love putting up signs but not taking them down.
For example, look at this sign in the town of Walworth.
It’s advertising a pizza parlor that hasn’t been in Walworth for at least 10 years. Look at how the red is faded and the phone number illegible. Where are the sign police when you need them?
Another big offender with signs is the politician. It isn’t bad enough that we have to listen to political speeches for months leading up to elections, but most of the signs linger long after the first Tuesday in November.
Then there are the signs that announce that you are entering a particular school district or watershed. Does someone just driving by really need to know that?
I’m thinking of posting a sign on my street. “Post NO signs here.”