I got a workout today taking Evan for a walk in the stroller. Besides the steps, pushing that stroller up some of the hills in Gananda has to build up muscles. I found myself being really grateful for the new sloped curbs.
When I walk alone, I usually I find my walks relaxing. I think about this and that. Sometimes I have the words to a new poem or a new blog post floating around in my head. At other times I pray or I just let my mind wander and spend time enjoying nature.
Not so today. I found myself constantly hovering over Evan. Was the stoller hood keeping the sun out of his eyes? Was he sitting far enough back in the seat so that he wouldn’t fall out? What about those big dogs up ahead? Or that bee?
Being a parent or a grandparent is all about vigilance, isn’t it? We try so hard to ward off all the stings of life from our precious children. Sadly, we don’t always succeed, but for most of us, it isn’t for lack of trying. I’m sure that I’ll become more relaxed about taking Evan in the stroller as we go out more often. Today was only the second time.
But Evan seems to have already figured out how to relax.