I’ve had fun spending the past few days at Disney, and grandson, Evan, became an official Mouseketeer.
I’m always impressed by how innovative Disney is and how they pay so much attention to detail. On this trip, two new things caught my attention. The resort outdoor swimming pool had a lift for handicapped people. Maybe I don’t get around much, but I hadn’t seen this before except at a medical facility.
This next photo speaks for itself, and I’m sure we’ll all be seeing lots of these in the future. Definitely a sign of the time.
And, speaking of modern times, did you know that there’s an app for your iphone that tells you how long the wait is at all of the Disney attractions? I’m embarassed to say that I actually called Kristen in New York to ask her how long the wait was at “Soarin'” while I was in another part of EPCOT. Like I said, a sign of the times.