By : Sally Valentine

February 21 2012

February 21, 2012 Church Hopping

I logged over 5,000 steps today by church hopping. What is church hopping? It’s kind of like bar hopping without the hangover. Our church is looking to paint the sanctuary and four of us ladies went from church to church today looking at the colors in other churches. Here’s what we found out:

Basically, there’s only one color in church sanctuaries, and that’s white, although we saw one in light blue and cream. A couple have accented walls or recessed areas. Those were blue.

There’s only one design in sancuary lights – the ones that hang from the ceiling – cylindrical, white and gold- I’m sure you have them in your church.

There’s more variety in church seats. The modern churches have padded chairs. The older churchs have pews, some padded, some not, some with removable cushions. These colors varied the most – from red to green to beige.

Although we’re not painting our front door, we learned that Episcopal churches have red front doors because the red symbolizes the first Passover, when God told the Jewish people to put lamb’s blood over their doors to protect them from the angel of death who would kill the firstborn.

We currently have a tapestry and velvet curtain behind our altar. Other churches said they too had curtains YEARS AGO. One more sign that our church is badly in need of an update.

All in all, we met a lot of nice people – pastors, secretaries and custodians – who warmly invited us in although we had not called ahead, and who sent us on with their blessing. Not a bad way to spend a day stepping around Rochester.

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