By : Sally Valentine

November 22 2011

Day 325

Where’s Sally?

Off to spend Thanksgiving in Florida with Robyn & Tom and the family.

Here’s a Rochester trivia question for you. Can you name all of the countries on the clock of the nations? For all of you newcomers to Roc, this clock was in Midtown Plaza for years, and is now at the airport. Each hour is represented by a different country.

Ready for the answer?

 1 Ireland 2 Puerto Rico 3 Scotland 4 Japan 5 Thailand 6 Poland 7 Italy 8  Canada 9 Germany 10 Israel 11 Nigeria 12 USA

Didn’t get them all? Dont feel bad. I wouldn’t have been able to get them all except that I was standing right in front of the clock.

Day 325: 16,047 Steps YTD:  2,994,700 Steps Goal: 3,058,000 Steps

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