By : Sally Valentine

October 08 2011

Day 279

Before leaving Wellsboro, we stopped at the Dunham Department Store. Founded in 1905, Dunham’s is the only department store in Pennsylvania still owned by the original family. The store extends halfway down Main St., but is definitely showing its age. We were afraid to get on the old elevator, but we walked up the stairs to the second floor children’s department. It brought back memories of the old toy dept. in Sibley’s. Along with the modern toys, they had old fashioned doll houses and tea sets and things to play store with, model train layouts, and treehouses.

The store also had a mezzanine with ladies dresses, and, in a nod to modernity, a downstairs cafe that sold Starbucks coffee and fresh homemade sandwiches. An older gentleman was sitting in the cafe, talking into a microphone, broadcasting over the local radio station – sort of the local Andy Rooney.

And then home…

Day 279: 11,296 Steps

YTD: 2,551,680 Steps

Goal: 2,629,000 Steps

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