I took a picture of this blue heron, while walking the canal path by Lock 32 on Thursday, and it got me thinking. I’ve never seen more than one blue heron at a time. You never see just one duck, or one goose or one seagull or even one turkey. They’re always in flocks, but I’ve seen one blue heron on the Gananda pond, one in North Ponds Park, one in the Genesee River downtown, one on Cocoa Beach in Florida and one at a hotel in Orlando. Could it be that, like the Christmas fruitcake, there’s really only one blue heron in the world that just travels a lot? He/she (I don’t know how to tell the sex of a blue heron, do you?) must have very strong wings. Think of the frequent flyer miles. Let me know where you see him/her around town and if he/she has found a friend.
Day 232: 9,318 Steps YTD: 2,099,291 Steps Goal: 2,189,000 Steps