By : Sally Valentine

August 15 2011

Day 223

I hit the 2 million mark today. Steps, that is, not dollars, but wouldn’t it be nice to trade in those steps for cash?

Come to think of it, people do just that when they raise money for charity with a 5k or 10k or a marathon. My friend, Casey, is walking in a race for breast cancer that encompasses 3 days. You have to walk 10 miles a day, 3 days in a row. On the nights in between, you camp out at public parks. These events are held in big cities. I think the last one she did was in Philadelphia.

I won’t be doing this walk. I’ve figured that my 11,000 steps a day is about 5 miles. That’s all I can manage right now, but I can support Casey and the fight for an end to breast cancer with a check. How about you?

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