By : Sally Valentine

July 16 2011

Day 196

I love watching the wheat grow as I drive around Wayne County. Okay, I know you’re thinking b-o-o-o-ring, but it’s a whole lot more interesting than watching the grass grow. Almost all of the wheat grown in the USA is planted in the fall. This winter wheat sprouts before the ground freezes and then lies dormant over the winter. It starts to grow in the spring, coming up green, and then slowly turns to that golden color everyone associates with wheat.

That’s the part I like best, watching it slowly turn golden. I guess I like this because it’s such a contrast to the green that’s all around. This happens in the beginning of July, and the next thing you know, the combines are out harvesting the seed from the chaff and the balers are out tieing up the hay. Of course, it still takes some processing before we eat it with our peanut butter and jelly.

Next time you thank God for your daily bread, thank Him for the farmers too.

Day 196: 11,075 Steps  YTD: 1,765,397 Steps Goal: 1,848,000 Steps

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