It was a perfect weekend for the Gananda garage sales – not too hot and not enough rain to worry about. The Rotary has been organizing this event for 29 years now, and it’s still going strong. It fact, surrounding neighborhoods have started having garage sales the same weekend to take advantage of the traffic, and the fire department scheduled a chicken barbeque for the same reason. My favorite sale of the day happened when my husband saw a truck driving by with a fan on the back. He ran down to the basement, remembering an unused fan we had taking up space there. He sold it 5 minutes later for $20. The rest of the sales were harder, mostly a dollar or fifty cents at a time, but we managed to make over $200. Not bad for for a few hours spent sitting and talking to our neighbors, and invaluable for getting rid of unwanted stuff.
By : Sally Valentine
June 12 2011
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