By : Sally Valentine

May 31 2011

Day 149

Today I got my stepping in while walking my grandog. Isn’t he the most precious thing you’ve ever seen?

Oliver is a Yorkie who weighs about 6 1/2 lbs. His leash is almost as big as he is. The problem is that Ollie thinks he’s a 150 lb German Shepherd and has no fear of any animals bigger than he is. So before I take him out, I usually give a quick check up and down the street to see if anyone else is out walking his dog. There are quite a few dogs in our neighborhood and one pot-bellied pig. Don’t look surprised – this is 315 country. I also have to keep on the lookout for rabbits.

When I first moved to this neighborhood, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to walk Ollie in my bathrobe as I was used to doing at our previous house where we had no neighbors. But one morning I caught a glimpse of a lady in a rattier bathrobe than mine out with her dog, so I’m right in style here. Now all I have to worry about are those rabbits.

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