By : Sally Valentine

May 12 2011

Day 132

Today I took a sidestep and went to one of my favorite places in Rochester, Donuts Delite on Empire Blvd. and Culver Rd. in Irondequoit. It’s my favorite for a couple of reasons.

1. It has the best donuts in Rochester and quite possibly in the whole world. (Sorry, Krispy Kreme.) When I need a donut fix, I order the white cream filled or the peanut donut.

OK, sometimes I order both.

2. Donuts Delite is a Rochester icon. It’s been around for at least 60 years. I can still remember going there when I was taking Driver’s Ed. at East High. (That’s quite a few donuts ago.) If our teacher was in a good mood, we’d drive down Culver Rd., run in for donuts and jump back in the car after being warned not to get any powdered sugar on the upholstery.

3. Salvatore, the new owner, has done a wonderful job of paying tribute to the past, while living in the present. He kept intact and refurbished the outside of the building, while totally redoing the inside. The donuts now take up a much smaller space, and the rest is given over to soda shop style tables and booths. He serves donuts from the original owner’s recipe alongside his own pizza and sandwiches. The combination is illustrated very well in this bench that sits outside.

Oh yeah, they have good coffee too.

Day 132: 8,291Steps

YTD: 1,218,676 Steps

Goal: 1,243,000 Steps

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