Oh no, it’s Report Card day. If I were a kid, I’d be accidentally losing this on the way home. April has been my worst month yet! I only met my goal of 11,000 steps on 11 out of 26 days. That’s a pathetic 42%. I have to give myself an F.
Day 120: 5,298 Steps YTD: 1,126,761 Steps Goal: 1,133,000 Steps
No excuse, but one reason I walked so little today was that I was selling my books at a Book Fair in Palmyra. The fair was held in the Alling Coverlet Museum. If you’re like me, you never knew that there was such a thing as a coverlet museum. Coverlets are woven bed covers. The Alling Museum started, as many museums have, with the collection of one family. Now it boasts the largest collection of hand-woven coverlets in America. There is also an upstairs quilt room. And I fell in love with these small needlework samples.
Take a wander around your own hometown. I bet you’ll find something you never knew was there.