Today I took a step down Memory Lane. My mom was born on April 20, 1916. It’s been 14 years now since she passed away, but I still miss her – especially on her birthday. Gary used to love to tease her that her birthday was the same as Adolph Hitler, and, of course, the Columbine tradgedy happened on April 20th. But for me, April 20th will always be a day of remembrance for my mother.
I can’t remember Mom going out very much by herself when we were kids. She always had at least one of us in tow. Except on her birthday. Then she would get together with her friend across the street who also had an April birthday. And even then I don’t think they went anywhere – just to one another’s houses – and celebrated with coffee and cake and peace and quiet.
So today I took my friend and neighbor out for her birthday. Mom would have liked that a lot. Happy birthday, Mom.
Day 110: 9,081 Steps YTD: 1,045,763 Steps Goal: 1,034,000 Steps