By : Sally Valentine

April 11 2011

Day 101

The past two days of warm weather have really made the daffodils pop open. Here’s my tribute to the daffodil. Remember, it’s national poetry month.

A Glimpse of Spring

Sleet and Snow, you’ll have to go.

Don’t tell me your tale of woe.

Shovel, make way for the hoe.

I saw a daffodil today.

Hat and Scarf, just disappear.

Boots and Gloves, March out of here.

Take with you all winter gear.

I saw a daffodil today.

Icy walks and Frozen Toes,

I’m telling you, we’re done with those.

No more red and runny nose.

I saw a daffodil today.

Oh, Robin dear, where have you been?

It’s time to weave your nest again.

Little fox, come quit the den.

I saw a daffodil today.

April, May, go wake up June.

It’s almost time to hear her tune

Sung beneath a pansy moon.

I saw a daffodil today.

All god’s Creatures here on earth,

Uncover, bare your hearts of mirth,

Rejoice! Sing Praise! For us new birth.

I saw a daffodil today.

Day 101 13,802 Steps   YTD: 979,813 Steps   Goal: 946,000 Steps

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