The past two days of warm weather have really made the daffodils pop open. Here’s my tribute to the daffodil. Remember, it’s national poetry month.
A Glimpse of Spring
Sleet and Snow, you’ll have to go.
Don’t tell me your tale of woe.
Shovel, make way for the hoe.
I saw a daffodil today.
Hat and Scarf, just disappear.
Boots and Gloves, March out of here.
Take with you all winter gear.
I saw a daffodil today.
Icy walks and Frozen Toes,
I’m telling you, we’re done with those.
No more red and runny nose.
I saw a daffodil today.
Oh, Robin dear, where have you been?
It’s time to weave your nest again.
Little fox, come quit the den.
I saw a daffodil today.
April, May, go wake up June.
It’s almost time to hear her tune
Sung beneath a pansy moon.
I saw a daffodil today.
All god’s Creatures here on earth,
Uncover, bare your hearts of mirth,
Rejoice! Sing Praise! For us new birth.
I saw a daffodil today.
Day 101 13,802 Steps YTD: 979,813 Steps Goal: 946,000 Steps