I woke up all excited about reaching my stepping goal. I even put on my pedometer before I realized that today is Sunday, and I’m not counting steps. I thought about cheating, but I decided that I shouldn’t even think about cheating just before going to church, so I reluctantly put the pedometer back on the shelf and walked to church like I’d planned, trying not to count steps in my head.
On the way home, Kris and I passed a bakery called the Bald Strawberry that I had been wanting to check out. I’d seen it while driving with Gary, but you know how that goes – no unplanned stops. The bakery turned out to be a new age place with 25 different kinds of herbal tea. For a coffee drinker like myself, it didn’t do the trick, even though the attendant invited us to eat our scones in a choice of theme rooms like the one in the picture below. There were baked goods in the display cases, but what he was really selling was peace, love, and happiness.
We were already peaceful from attending church so we opted to take our scones with us eat on the patio at home.
I plan to spend the rest of the day reading O Magazine at the pool. I’ve already found a gem in this issue that I’d like to share – a poem by my favorite poet, e.e.cummings.
“i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes”