By : Sally Valentine

March 11 2011

Day 69

I almost thought I was back in Rochester this morning. It was pouring, and I was wondering how I was going to get my 11,000 steps in today. So, I did what I do at home and took off for the grocery store. (The mall is too far away.)

The major grocery store here is Publix. They’re not Wegmans, but I’ve learned to cope, and they do carry Krispie Kreme doughnuts. Like my mother used to say, “any port in a storm.”

I made another Rochester connection today. A man in the elevator was talking about Niagara Falls. I told him I was from Rochester, and he said that he lives in Albion. My dad grew up just outside of Albion. We got off the elevator at the same floor – turns out his family is staying in the unit right next to ours. Small world, etc.

Day 69: 11,614 Steps     YTD: 634,090 Steps     Goal: 649,000 Steps

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