By : Sally Valentine

January 18 2011

Day 17

I had an appointment with a new doctor today. I had been told that his office was on the second floor, so when I stepped into the office building, I immediately started looking for the stairs. I thought I would get in some extra steps without really trying. On my left was a big office, on my right was another big office, and straight ahead was the elevator. No stairs in sight. I knew the building must have stairs, if only for fire safety, but darned if I could find them. Have you noticed that seems to be the rule now rather than the exception? Elevators are nice when you need them, but they’re not condusive to accumulating steps.

Wegmans, on the other hand, is very step-friendly. Just going in for a gallon of milk can get you an easy 500 steps, and any additional shopping can get you up to 1,000 or 1,500 in no time at all. So now I have another reason to love Wegmans, especially in winter. It’s a great place to walk.

Day 17: 10,277 Steps    YTD: 136,658 Steps     Goal: 154,000 Steps

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